About Me
a bridge from the internal to external world
I have always loved spending time outdoors in the landscape. As a child, I remember daily life being governed by the seasons, the physical sensations of the cold snowy winters with biting north easterly winds blowing in from the sea to spring time when snowdrops appeared in the garden, the land thawed and everything started to grow. Then the more balmy summer days accompanied by the unforgettable smell of freshly cut wheat and barley during the harvest months followed quickly by autumn, blackberries being picked, leaves changing colour and fields ploughed, changing the landscape once again, marking the passing of time.
As an adult, I have an growing fascination in the ways the seasons affect us internally as well as externally, how they impact our energies, our moods, our natural cycles. I believe all of the answers we seek can be found in the natural world and the metaphor of the seasons and in the importance our connection to this world in which we live.
I have been making and selling my art since 2011, having exhibited my monochrome illustrative work locally and nationally. More recently my work has changed dramatically as a result of studying a Masters in Art Therapy. This led to significant personal and professional transformation and a deeper connection to my creative work. I rediscovered and explored my interest and passion for the landscape and seasonal alignment and my work is now expressive, energetic and colourful.
I now live in rural Nottinghamshire, where I love to explore the local footpaths and countryside with my dog, taking inspiration from the seasonal changes I see, hear, smell and touch. I make my art from my studio at the top of my cottage garden.